Motion Graphics After effects Tutorial for Beginners
Introduction to Motion Graphics
Motion graphics are effective in communicating a lot of information in a short time. Content creators and marketers everywhere are embracing the idea of motion graphics in order to maintain the interest of reducing the attention of Internet users.
A good deal of video content is created and consumed by Internet users every day. As a matter of fact, approximately 72 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube alone every minute. This is a lot of raw material, but many of us can accept going through a long video to get the most relevant excerpts or skip it altogether if the video is a bit longer than ours.
This is exactly where motion graphics come in. They condense a large body of information into a short and blind presentation. They are a great way to help reduce the risk that a viewer will miss a call because they have skipped through parts of a long video.
Get startedStep 1: Composition
To create a new composition, click on the composition Icon on the Project panel Or Press Ctrl/Cmd+N.

Give an appropriate name to your composition. Here we have given ‘Tiny Pictures’.
Step 2: Create Shapes
Once you have created your composition then make a circle shape. To create a circle go-to shape tool and select Ellipse. Hold shift and drag to create a circle shape.
Note:- When you create a shape in after effects, its “anchor point” is not at the center. We have to press “Ctrl+Alt+Home” to bring it to the center. You can also bring it manually to the center for that press “y” for Pan behind the tool and move anchor point.
Next, go to content option in the Composition panel and select Elips Path> Size>=240
You can refer the below image.

Step 3: Keyframe animation
Select the Shape layer then Press “S” You will get the scale parameter in the Composition panel. Then click on the “StopWatch” button. Enter the below-mentioned values for Keyframe animation.
- Frame “0:00:00:00” = Scale “0%”
- Frame “0:00:00:20” = Scale “75%”
- Frame “0:00:01:10” = Scale “0%”
- Frame “0:00:02:00” = Scale “75%”
- Frame “0:00:02:20” = Scale “0%”
- Frame “0:00:03:10” = Scale “300%”
- Frame “0:00:04:00” = Scale “0%”

Step 4:Easy Ease
Select All Frames And Press “F9” or Right Click on any frame then, go to Keyframe Assistant ->Easy Ease.

Step 5: Duplicate layers
Select Shape Layer & Press Ctrl/Cmd+D or Edit menu–>Duplicate.

Select “Shape layer 2” & drag 5 frames to the right side. You can refer to the below image.

Note:- By copying these two color codes, you place them in the “shape layer” respectively.
Step 6:Create label
Give color to layers, to differentiate among multiple layers. Here we have given purple and yellow color to both our layers
To create label click on the color box and select Color.

Step 7:-Pre-compose
Select both layers [“Shape layer 1″+”Shape layer 2”] then Right click on them and select Pre-Composition or Press Ctrl+Shift+C.

Just like the Below image, you will see “a window”. Give “Name = Circle” click “OK”
Double click on “Circle Composition” you will enter in it, then Select both the layers ” Shape layer 1” and ” Shape Layer 2“. Press Ctrl+D to take Duplicate.
Arrange them just like the below image. Move each layer five frames ahead towards the right.
Step 8:- Solid Layer
Now to create a background, take the “solid layer“. Go to the “Tiny Pictures” composition. Right Click on Empty Space Area New->Solid or Ctrl+Y. You can refer the below image.
The “solid layer” setting will open, give it the name “Bg”.
Actually this “solid layer” is made upwards so pull the layer down.
Step 9:- Background Setting
For bg layer go to Effects and Preset Panel ->Search Gradient Ramp and Apply on Bg layer ( Just drag & drop ).
From the below image take “values”.
Start color Code #8B04C4
End Color Code #59087A
Step 10:- Make Pre-Composition of “Circle”
Make “Composition” from “Circle composition” for title Animation and multiple “Composition” for multiple Circle.
Firstly we see title Animation
Right-click on circle Composition and select Pre-compose( Ctrl+Shift+C)
Name= “Circle Comp 1”
Step 11:Title
Double Click On “Circle Comp 1” and select Text tool & Type Title. Here we are writing “Tinypictures”
Title Color Code #FE740F
Note:- Click on Align Panel To make Type In center.
Step 12:Composition Keyframe Setting
Double Click on “Circle Composition” and select all layer
Step 13: Title Animation
- First Frame “0:00:03:10” = Scale “0%”
- Second Frame “0:00:04:00” = Scale “100%”
- Third Frame “0:00:05:10” = Scale “0%”
Go to “Circle Composition” and select all Shape layers press “U” to reveal all key frames. Select the last frame of all layers and drag. “Shape layer 1” last frame position “0:00:05:05”
Arrange all frames just like the below image.
Step 14: Duplicate Circle Composition
Make a duplicate of “circle Composition” go to Project panel select “Circle composition” & Press Ctrl/Cmd+D and rename it:- Right-click on new Composition and select rename option and give name ‘Small circle’.
In the “Small Circle ” Composition Select All Layers Last Frame and rearrange everyone as before. Follow the below image.
Step 15: Composition Finished
Take “Small Circle ” in to “Tinypictures Composition ” & make a duplicate of it & then arrange a position of them wherever you want.
Follow the below image.
Download After Effects File From Here
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