Male Dispersion effects photoshop tutorial 2017
Male Dispersion effect photoshop tutorial 2017
The dispersion effect is a great way to add a bit of drama and flair to your images – and once you understand the basics, you can get as creative as you want
Step: 1
Open your image in Photoshop and duplicate the layer (Alt + J or Command + J on Mac).
Next, hide the new layer by clicking on the Eye icon.
Step: 2
Select the original layer and use the Quick Selection tool to draw around the subject.
Step: 3
Create a new layer for background & give gradient too it.
Step: 4
With the layer selected, go to the Filter option in the top menu bar and choose “Liquify”.
Step: 5
Using the Forward Warp tool (first option on left), drag out the area of the image you want to see dispersed.
You can increase or decrease the radius of the brush using the square brackets on your keyboard. Use the left bracket “[” to decrease the radius and the right bracket “]” to increase the radius.
The degree of distortion you apply will form the distance of the dispersion or disintegration in your final image. In other words, distort it as intensely.
Once you’re happy, click OK.
Step: 6
Next, with your Dispersion layer selected, hold Alt (or Option for Mac) on your keyboard and click on the Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. This masks or hides the layer.
The Mask button is the rectangle with a circle within it.
Step: 7
Select the “Foreground” layer in the Layers panel and click Mask without holding down Alt (or Option).
You should see that your Dispersion layer has a black mask, while the Foreground layer has a white mask. The former is a Hide Mask, while the latter is a Reveal Mask.
Step: 8
With your Foreground mask selected, click on the Brush tool and choose a dispersion brush from the Brush panel.
Make sure the foreground colour of the brush is set to black when on the “Foreground” layer as this is what blocks out (that is “masks”) bits of the selected layer. Start blotting out parts of the image.
Play with the brush size, type and rotation of the brush so the dispersed bits don’t look like a pattern.
Step: 9
From the Filter menu at the top, choose Sharpen, and then Unsharp Mask.
Step: 10
I am using nik collection for filter (download from here). you can use filter menu as well.
Step: 11
This was our final result of Dispersion effects
Please find the other link to In addition to this.
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