Business card mockup step by step post wll make you understand how to create business card mockup in photoshop.
First step
Download any image from Google search or any free stock images website like Pixabay.
and open in Photoshop

Second step
For creating your own business card mock up file you have to take business card image

Third step
Create a new layer and make rectangle selection and fill or you can fill color in the whole layer. for that take rectangular selection tool and for fill press Alt+Backspace
Marquee Tool:
This tool can be used to make selections. There are four different types which are:
Rectangular – This will make a Rectangular selection
Elliptical – This will make an Elliptical selection
SingleColumn – This will make a Column selection
SingleRow – This will make a Row selection

Forth step
Give name to layer For example “front” .

Fifth step
right click on “front” layer After that select “Convert to smart object”.

Sixth step
Ok less the value of fill to 80% or 50% for adjust the layer transformation.

Seventh step
Press “Ctrl+T” for transformation tool.right click on it and select “distort” option

Eighth step
Place the anchor point on the corners of the business card. look at the image below and do the same

Ninth step
After adjusting anchor point to corners. go to fill and reset value to 100.

Tenth step
Ok that’s it we done our mock up file. now its time to make good design for our business card.
for that just double click on “front” layer. it will open new window of “front” layer.
Eleventh step
You can change anything in the “Front” smart object layer it will update in your business card window. one thing you should do after designing most importantly save your window and check your business card window it will update.
Twelfth step
For back side of the business card follow previous step. if any doubt please watch below YouTube tutorial.
I hope all of you understand and enjoy …if you like it don’t miss to Subscribe my Channel
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