Action in Photoshop Water Splash Effect using
Action in Photoshop
Hi Everyone today you will learn how to Use Action Panel in photoshop it’s really amazing if you watch this video Till End you will come to understand how to create watercolor Splash effects in photoshop using few steps.
As you can see, there are tonnes you can do with this effect. As a Photoshop user, you’ve probably run into a situation where you have had to do repetitive tasks, such as resizing images, creating vignettes, or something else. Having to do all of this manually can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, there is an easier way, whether you’re using an older CS Photoshop, the very latest Creative Cloud version, or even some newer versions of Photoshop Elements. Photoshop actions enable you to record a repetitive process and save that information as an action that you can then use for other tasks down the road. Not only that, but you can also edit actions after the fact and customize them to suit your needs.

Before Start make sure your image is above 2000 pixel size
First Steps
open image
forthat, Press “Ctrl+O” or Go to the file>click open
Second Step
Create a new layer ( Ctrl+ Shift + N for creat new layer) name it “brush” on that layer Where you like it, fill the green color.
Third Steps
load brush (for the brush you can press “B” ) and Action (For action you can go and click menu bar window > and click Action
Note: Select only Vintater Brush You can download from given below download link.
Download brush and action file :
For ZIP or RAR :
For Direct Download :
Fourth Steps
Apply the action on the “brush” layer using the play button.
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