I am trying to give you all the best website lists that I am using for choosing a color. this helps graphic designers to choose from.
Color Tips for choosing colors
- Start with ONE Primary Color then add an Accent Color.
- Avoid High Saturation (Default Colors Choices) – See Popular Brands. Show Bad Examples.
- When using color, use it easily. It’s sort of like clothing. You don’t really need to have so many colors. You may have Neutral colors, with a pop of color. may be, you’re earrings. Belt. Glasses. Shoes etc.
Why you want this list? or why you want this website?
The answer is simple, lots of graphic designers struggle during applying color on the project. in simple words all designers having a question about which color use for the project? so this website list will help you selecting the color and choosing a color.
If you want color meaning and psychology of colors. you can click here
This website content Awesome color category which you like it. for example
- Material Design colors
- flat colors
- Hexa code
all above list can be copy and paste.

Adobe color
Adobe color Website give you liberty to select color through using color harmony. not only this, It also has different tabs like
- Color wheel
- Extract theme
- Gradient
- Color game

Choose a color using this website extension for Firefox and chrome and also this website gives you color editor tool you can make your color.

This Website gives you color information about big branded logos. for example
- Google color
- Youtube color
- Facebook color
- Twitter color etc.

To use it, click a color in the color grid or enter a color’s hex code and 0to255 will give you a list of lighter and darker colors from black to white.
Take any colors shades available here. simply you can click on color or write hexa code and you will find shades.

I think you all like it this post.